According to ME: AutoBlogger Bot

The reason of my blogging is that I love to write. I like to capture all the words coming across my mind onto the paper, I was maintaining my diary-was a student back then. Now, I am busy with my run to earn marital life with a house sitter wife and kids at home. But still, I would want to write my words, my thoughts, my ideas and emotions myself, cannot allow any automated script to do this for me without knowing; what I be thinking? And I would maintain my blog just because its a passion to me, neither for fame nor for blog fill.

What is a bot?

A bot, derived from robot, just a virtual one not a mechanized. A code written by a computer programmer, to be more precise.

What is an auto-blogger bot?

Search results for auto blogger say;
Yet another Autoblogger (YAAB) plugin for wordpress can create automated blog posts using rss feeds like any other similar plugin, but in addition, Yaab can escape content duplication using auto carnival feature using which you can run a fully carnival in your site on a regular basis (say, every sunday).
I can only laugh at this specification, this is why I don't blog on at should serioiusly consider the elimination of these autoblogger bots.

This Auto Blog Generator is the only Blog Builder and management system in the world that creates, manages, posts to, and supplies targeted content to your blog.
Excessive lameness, if this bot is going to fill up your blog categories ladies and gentlemen, who is going to read those post? Even if this bot changes the words, it cannot change the way one writes.

Autoblogger will read recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag and create a link to them with the page title, as well as quote a random (filtered, given simple heuristics) excerpt of the text. It's better used for long texts -- so it's more likely to pick up significant excerpts. Autoblogger can be used to create an autoblog -- a page summarizing your recent reading -- or as a blog sidebar plug-in.
Including whatever they say, it seems a good reading tool but again, there are so many of the RSS readers already without illicit names. In fact, this is not a reader for one's ease, this is a post theif!
Most of the coders make post stealing scripts just for, why? Because, look at this;

With any PHP-based content management system (like Wordpress), add the following code to your sidebar template:

These dudes are mother of all lamers,

Free Auto Blogger manages many commercial Blogs all from your desktop with auto posting content from rss and xml feeds that you choose. Add your own custom post to "salt and pepper" throughout your blog as advertisement. more....
According to me, either people those who use these automated codes to make their blogs big and money making should quit blogging or come up with their own dedicated posts for that matter.

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